速報APP / 生產應用 / Keyword Ninja - Google AdWords keyword t

Keyword Ninja - Google AdWords keyword t





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:POBOX 5558, Herzeliya, Israel

Keyword Ninja - Google AdWords keyword tool(圖1)-速報App

Running AdWords (Google Ads) campaigns? You must download this tool.

Keyword ninja will help you manage your search terms in your AdWords account in a cool and fun way, just like a game.

All you need to do is SWIPE RIGHT to add search term as keyword or SWIPE LEFT to add keyword to negative keywords list.

Key benefits:

• Use Keyword Ninja to manage your keywords wherever, whenever you are since Google Ads official app won't allow you to edit your search terms.

• Use swipe gestures as seen on dating apps.

• 5 minutes a day can save you a lot of money by adding bad keywords to the negative list.

• Save time on research and management - add converting and well performing longtail search terms as new keywords with a simple swipe.

Keyword Ninja - Google AdWords keyword tool(圖2)-速報App


• Connect your MCC account to view all your Google ads accounts.

• Filter keywords by campaign or ad group level.

• Filter converting or non-converting keywords.

• Filter date ranges just like on the online editor.

• Sort by every possible sorting type.

Suitable for agencies and independent advertisers, Go ahead and DOWNLOAD NOW.

** This keyword tool is not official AdWords tool by google

Keyword Ninja - Google AdWords keyword tool(圖3)-速報App

** This app is for existing Google Ads customers only

** Keyword ninja is free and offers premium features as in-app purchases (contact us at keywordninja.io@gmail.com to find out if your account is eligible for free premium membership)

Keyword Ninja - Google AdWords keyword tool(圖4)-速報App